(EFT) Emotionally Focused Therapy
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a short-term treatment approach whose goal is the re-connection between partners. EFT, developed by Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg, is based on John Bowlby’s Attachment research over 50 years ago. Bowbly found that humans and higher primate animals appeared to have an innate need to feel attached to and comforted by significant others.
Adult attachment relationships are believed to have the same survival function as the mother-child bond, since ideally these attachments can provide the same love, comfort, support and protection throughout the life span. However, due to our relationship histories, and the negative interaction cycles we get into with our partners, many of us have difficulties with trust and expressing emotion to those who mean the most to us.
We view the building of “a safe haven” in your relationships as our primary task, and we will try to focus on your primary needs – to feel close, secure and responded to –which will help you identify and approach issues honestly, safely, and more quickly.
Once this safe haven and feelings of connection is established, you will be better able to manage conflict and the painful or difficult feelings that will inevitably arise from time to time in therapy. Furthermore, without so much defensiveness, you will be better able to problem-solve and heal.
Start Healing Today!

Research on the success of EFT:
Research outcomes show EFT is effective in helping couples recover from marital distress 70 – 75% of the time. And 90% of couples participating in EFT report improvement in their relationships. EFT has been used with many different types of couples in private practice, university training centers and hospital clinics. These distressed couples include partners suffering from disorders such as depression, post-traumatic stress and chronic illness.
To view further references, recent articles describing EFT therapy and books on EFT, please refer to the EFT website: www.iceeft.com.
Why I Love What I Do
Most of us aren’t taught how to be in adult love relationships, we aren’t given a road map and we do the best with what we have. Helping my clients see the road map that allows them to heal in the most important relationships they have is one of the many things I love about my job.